Java applet is a piece of software that runs over
the Internet through a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, Netscape,
Opera, Mozilla, etc. In order for the software to work, the Java
Run Time Environment has to be present on the user's computer AND
it has to be "enabled".
you are reading this page because you tried to run one of MathinSite's
applets and nothing happened, we recommend that you consider the
your computer software include the latest Java Run Time Environment
(JRE)? Netscape and Opera are two browsers that come with
a JRE preloaded and installed for use. Unfortunately the latest
versions of Internet Explorer don't. In which case, from IE's
top menu, choose Tools -> Advanced and scroll down the list
until you see a reference to "Java" and/or "Microsoft
VM". Preferably, you should see something like, "Java
(Sun) Use Java X v.X.X.XX for applet" (where the Xs refer
to version numbers) AND the checkbox should be ticked. Ticking
this box before exiting should ensure the applets run. However,
if this doesn't appear, we recommend that you download the latest
Java JRE from the Sun site at http://java.com/en/index.jsp.
Click on their "Get It Now" link and follow the instructions.
You may like to update your JRE from this link anyway to obtain
the latest version.
NOTE: you will need administrator rights to install this software
on your PC. If it refuses to install, contact your System Administrator.
some applets work, but not others? Some of the earlier applets
work well with early versions of the JRE installed on your computer,
or even Microsoft's 'Virtual Machine' (VM). However, some of the
later applets need at least JRE2 (such as the "First Order
Digital Systems" applet). If this is the case then, as above,
visit http://java.com/en/index.jsp
and download the latest JRE.
you using an applet whose executable files you have downloaded
from the web site?MathinSite's applets are coded
such that they will only run directly from an
Internet link to the MathinSite web site.
your computer guarded by a firewall?
Most Firewalls (e.g. Zone Alarm) allow the user to 'switch off'
Java software or javascript scripting code from the web. This
is to avoid receiving malicious Java software from external
sources. Since the main thrust of MathinSite is the use
of Java applets, this should be enabled (at least during the
MathinSite session). Check your firewall's properties.
of the important criteria for a successful session with MathinSite
is to be able to takeaway a hardcopy of your experiences using
the applets. In order to further this aim, all worksheets on the
site are freely available for download and for printing by the
end-user (but beware infringing any copyright requirements). If
you cannot download these, then the most likely reason is that
your set up does not include the Adobe Acrobat reader. This is
freely available for download from the Adobe web site at http://www.adobe.co.uk/products/acrobat/readstep2.html
are self-executing files diected at PC/Windows users. Since
they are self-executing, no further software is needed to
run them. For further information see MathinSite's ScreenCam